Thursday, 20 September 2007
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New GData JavaScript library enables full read and write access for your mashups

I am really excited to see the release of the GData JavaScript Client Library for Calendar that allows you to do a lot more with Calendar GData mashups.

Developers have been able to work with our GData feeds from JavaScript for over a year, but only in a read-only capacity. There are plenty of mashups that can be done that way, but what if you want an application that ties into personal content? What if you would like to write an Ajax client that can create, update, or delete entries as well as read it?

Now you can. This release allows you full read-write access to Google Calendar from JavaScript. Instead of requiring server-side proxies to do this for you, AuthSub is fully supported from within the pure JavaScript client.

You can login by doing something similar to:
function logMeIn() {
scope = "";
var token = google.accounts.user.login(scope);

function setupMyService() {
var myService =
new google.gdata.calendar.CalendarService('exampleCo-exampleApp-1');
return myService;
I got to sit down with Jun Yang, who worked on this code, and got his take on the new library:

Armed with this new functionality, I can only imagine how the mashups will become richer. I can't wait to see them!

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