Thursday, 24 January 2008
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Heading to

Several folks from Google Sydney and beyond will be attending 2008 in Melbourne, Australia next week and we're looking forward to sharing a week of FLOSS and fun with our fellow attendees. If you're heading to the conference, stop by our table at Open Day to learn more about Google's global open source initiatives. We'd also love to have any students, whether you're a local or just in town for the conference, join us on Thursday evening for our student party; several Google Summer of Code students and mentors have already let us know they'll be coming. You are, of course, welcome to join us at the Google conference wrap-up party on Friday evening. We'll be hosting a grand barbecue, with plenty of options for our vegetarian and vegan friends.

You may also be interested in these talks given by Googlers:
Anthony Baxter, Python's Release Engineer and a recent addition to Sydney's engineering team, will deliver Friday's opening Keynote, Two Snake Enter, One Snake Leave.

We hope to see you there!

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