Thursday, 31 July 2008
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Powered By YouTube - Event Videos and Slides Online

All of the videos, slides, and other materials used during our first "Powered by YouTube" developer event are now online and available for mass consumption:

We had ~100 developers come and hang out with us at YouTube HQ. It was a full day, with talks ranging from best practices to the history of scaling up YouTube infrastructure and, of course, cookies, lunch and t-shirts. There were also some good discussions in our Office Hours lounge. If you're interested, the one-sheet Code Labs we had for working with the Data APIs in JSON and PHP are also available online.

Thanks to everyone for coming out, learning about the APIs, and sharing your feedback and questions with us. Special thanks goes to Slide, Qik, Animoto, Gaia Online, and Helio for speaking about their experiences working with our APIs and even walking through some code snippets.

As a bonus, here's a bunch of us (Jochen, Jeff, myself) with Steve Mesa, the top poster in our discussion forum :)

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