Friday, 6 February 2009
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Staying up to date with Google Code

As the number of developers and projects have grown on Google Code, we've started thinking about how to get projects to learn from and work with each other. Today, we're happy to announce that we have made a few steps towards that goal.

First, we've added user update streams to make it easy to see what a particular user has been doing across Project hosting on Google Code. As an example, take a look at Ben Collins-Sussman's activities on his profile page. Ben works on Google Code, but it's obvious that he has other interests as well.

In addition, tracking open source projects and other developers is as easy as starring a project or a developer profile. Starring a project or developer adds a link in your new "Starred Projects" and "Starred Developers" section of your profile page, making it really easy to find those projects or developers again. Starred projects are also added to the new "My projects" drop-down, which makes it easy to navigate to a project from anywhere on the site.

Once a project or a developer is starred, all updates from starred projects and developers can be tracked by looking at your personalized updates.
For those that prefer to use their feed reader, use the following new feeds:
  • Updates for a user -{username}/updates/user/basic
  • Developers a user is tracking -{username}/updates/projects/basic
  • Projects a user is tracking -{username}/updates/developers/basic
As always, we look forward to your feedback.

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