Monday, 28 September 2009
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Chris Anderson: CouchDB: Relaxing Offline JavaScript

Last week I hosted Chris Anderson for a Google tech talk on CouchDB as part of the Web Exponents speaker series. Chris is an Apache CouchDB committer. He is co-author of the forthcoming O'Reilly book CouchDB: The Definitive Guide and a director of

Making web applications work offline is a hot topic. Google Gears blazed the trail, and Web Storage is part of HTML5. CouchDB is a NoSQL alternative that makes it easy for web apps to run offline. This is important because even as bandwidth grows, latency is still an issue for a significant number of users, and outages or zero-bars can and do happen. CouchDB makes this a non-issue by running your application close to the user, on their device or in their browser. Chris calls this "ground computing" - a refreshing counterpoint to the oft-used "cloud computing" label. Hear more from Chris in his video and slides.

Check out other videos in the Web Exponents speaker series:

Thursday, 24 September 2009
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Google Sites: Now with an API!

Today, we launched a new Google Data API for Google Sites. The API supports most of the functionality found in Google Sites, which includes the ability to:
  • Retrieve, create, modify, and delete pages and content.
  • Upload/download attachments.
  • Review the revision history across a site.
  • Display recent user activity.
To get started, see the full documentation, Java Developer's Guide, or dive into our code samples. We're also open-sourcing an import/export tool that uploads or creates a local back-up of an entire Google Site.

Visit us in our new developer forum if you have questions!

Wednesday, 23 September 2009
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Gmail for Mobile HTML5 Series: CSS Transforms and Floaty Bars

On April 7th, Google launched a new version of Gmail for mobile for iPhone and Android-powered devices. We shared the behind-the-scenes story through this blog and decided to share more of what we've learned in a brief series of follow-up blog posts. This week, I'll talk about different ways to animate the floaty bar.

Even from the earliest brainstorming days for our new version of Gmail for iPhone and Android-powered devices, we knew we wanted to try something novel with menu actions: a context-sensitive, always-accessible UI element that follows conveniently as a user scrolls. Thus, the "floaty bar" was born! It took us a surprisingly long time, experimenting with different techniques and interactions, to converge on the design you see today. Let's look under the covers to see how the animation is achieved. You may be surprised to find that the logic is actually quite simple!

Screenshots of the floaty bar in action

top: -50px; /* start off the screen, so it slides in nicely */
-webkit-transition: top 0.2s ease-out;
In JavaScript:
// Constructor for the floaty bar
gmail.FloatyBar = function() {
this.menuDiv = document.createElement('div');
this.menuDiv.className = CSS_FLOATY_BAR;

// Called when it's time for the floaty bar to move
gmail.FloatyBar.prototype.setTop = function() { = window.scrollY + 'px';

// Called when the floaty bar menu is dismissed
gmail.FloatyBar.prototype.hideOffScreen = function() { = '-50px';

gmail.floatyBar = new gmail.FloatyBar();

// Listen for scroll events on the top level window
window.onscroll = function() {
The essence here is that when the viewport scrolls, the floaty bar 'top' is set to the new viewport offset. The -webkit-transition rule specifies the animation parameters. (The 'top' property is to be animated, over 0.2s, using the ease-out timing function.) This is the animation behavior we had at launch, and it works just fine on Android and mobile Safari browsers.

However, there's actually a better way to achieve the same effect, and the improvement is particularly evident on mobile Safari. The trick is to use "CSS transforms". CSS transforms is a mechanism for applying different types of affine transformations to page elements, specified via CSS. We're going to use a simple one which is translateY. Here's the same logic, updated to use CSS transforms.

top: -50px; /* start off the screen, so it slides in nicely */
-webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 0.2s ease-out;
In JavaScript:
// Called when it's time for the floaty bar to move
gmail.FloatyBar.prototype.setTop = function() {
var translate = window.scrollY - (-50);['-webkit-transform'] = 'translateY(' + translate + 'px)';

// Called when the floaty bar menu is dismissed
gmail.FloatyBar.prototype.hideOffScreen = function() {['-webkit-transform'] = 'translateY(0px)';
Upon every scroll event, the floaty bar is translated vertically to the new viewport offset (modulo the offscreen offset which is important to the floaty bar's initial appearance). And, why exactly is this such an improvement? Even though the logic is equivalent, iPhone OS's implementation of CSS transforms is "performance enhanced", whilst our first iteration (animating the 'top' property) is performed by the OS in software. That's why the experience was unfortunately somewhat chunky at times, depending on the speed of the iPhone hardware.

You'll see smoother looking floaty bars coming very soon to an iPhone near you. This is just the first in a series of improvements we're planning for the mobile Gmail floaty bar. Watch for them in our iterative webapp, rolling out over the next couple of weeks and months!

Previous posts from Gmail for Mobile HTML5 Series:
HTML5 and Webkit pave the way for mobile web applications
Using AppCache to launch offline - Part 1
Using AppCache to launch offline - Part 2
Using AppCache to launch offline - Part 3
A Common API for Web Storage
Suggestions for better performance
Cache pattern for offline HTML5 web application
Using timers effectively
Autogrowing Textareas
Reducing Startup Latency

Announcing the Google Sidewiki API

Alongside the exciting release of Google Sidewiki today, we're also happy to announce the availability of the first version of the Google Sidewiki Data API. Google Sidewiki is a new feature of Google Toolbar (for Firefox and Internet Explorer) that lets everyone contribute helpful information next to any webpage. Our post over on the Google Blog goes into more detail and also has a video that shows Sidewiki in action. To start using it yourself, go to and install Google Toolbar with Sidewiki.

On the developer side, we're releasing a Google Sidewiki Data API today that lets you work freely with the content that's created in Google Sidewiki. You can use it to retrieve all entries written about a particular webpage as well as all entries written by a given Sidewiki author.

So after you've played with Sidewiki in the browser, give it a whirl in your console too -- we have client libraries, documentation and code samples ready to go for you. We'll be excited to see what gadgets, projects and extensions you'll think of. A translation gadget that displays and translates Sidewiki entries on the fly? A Google App Engine-powered browser of all Sidewiki entries? Your own browser extension or Greasemonkey script?

The Google Sidewiki API is available in Google Code Labs and is read-only at the moment. We've set up a developer-oriented discussion group and issue tracker where you can discuss your experiences with the API and where we'd love to hear about your feedback and projects. Keep us posted!

Tuesday, 22 September 2009
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Video Introduction to HTML 5

Are you interested in HTML 5 and what's coming down the pipeline but haven't had time to read any articles yet? We've put together an educational Introduction to HTML 5 video that goes over many of the major aspects of this new standard, including:
  • Web vector graphics with the Canvas tag and Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)
  • The Geolocation API
  • HTML 5 Video
  • The HTML 5 Database and Application Cache
  • Web workers
In the video we also crack open the HTML 5 YouTube Video prototype to show you some of the new HTML 5 tags, such as nav, article, etc. It's chock full of demos and sample source code.

Introducing Google Chrome Frame

Today, we're releasing an early version of Google Chrome Frame, an open source plug-in that brings HTML5 and other open web technologies to Internet Explorer.

We're building Google Chrome Frame to help web developers deliver faster, richer applications like Google Wave. Recent JavaScript performance improvements and the emergence of HTML5 have enabled web applications to do things that could previously only be done by desktop software. One challenge developers face in using these new technologies is that they are not yet supported by Internet Explorer. Developers can't afford to ignore IE -- most people use some version of IE -- so they end up spending lots of time implementing work-arounds or limiting the functionality of their apps.

With Google Chrome Frame, developers can now take advantage of the latest open web technologies, even in Internet Explorer. From a faster Javascript engine,  to support for current web technologies like HTML5's offline capabilities and <canvas>, to modern CSS/Layout handling, Google Chrome Frame enables these features within IE with no additional coding or testing for different browser versions.

To start using Google Chrome Frame, all developers need to do is to add a single tag:

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="chrome=1">

When Google Chrome Frame detects this tag it switches automatically to using Google Chrome's speedy WebKit-based rendering engine. It's that easy. For users, installing Google Chrome Frame will allow them to seamlessly enjoy modern web apps at blazing speeds, through the familiar interface of the version of IE that they are currently using.

We believe that Google Chrome Frame makes life easier for web developers as well as users. While this is still an early version intended for developers, our team invites you to try out this for your site. You can start by reading our documentation. Please share your feedback in our discussion group and file any bugs you find through the Chromium issue tracker.

(Cross-posted on the Chromium Blog)

Tuesday, 15 September 2009
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Registration Opens for fall 2009 Google Developer Days

We are excited to open registration for our second round of Google Developer Day events this year:
Both events will offer opportunities to learn the latest about our APIs and developer tools, including Android, Google Chrome, Google Wave, App Engine, AJAX APIs and more. There will also be time for developers to socialize - whether at "office hours" or the "after hours".  You'll be able to chat about your latest project or discuss that brain-busting question with fellow developers and Google engineers.

Similar to our Google I/O event in the US, the Developer Days will host a developer sandbox area, highlighting partners who have used Google developer products to build their own unique applications.  You can also take the opportunity to share a project or coding experience during our lightning talks. We look forward to seeing what developers bring to the table this year!

Space is limited so register soon!

Monday, 14 September 2009
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Legacy gadget API deprecation

If you're a gadget developer, you've probably used the gadgets.* API, a re-namespaced and improved version of the original legacy, or _IG_*, gadgets API. The gadgets.* API has gained wide acceptance, both on Google and non-Google gadget containers, and is the standard API for gadget development.

However, there remains a number of gadgets using the legacy API, primarily gadgets developed for iGoogle, and the time to upgrade those gadgets is now. As of today, the legacy gadgets API is officially deprecated. For a period of one year, gadgets using the legacy API will continue to be supported, and function. After that, the legacy API will be turned off for the majority of Google containers (such as iGoogle, orkut, Gmail, and Calendar).

For more specifics on how the deprecation affects iGoogle developers, and details on coming resources to help in the API transition, check out this post on the iGoogle developer blog.

Thursday, 3 September 2009
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Gmail for Mobile HTML5 Series: Reducing Startup Latency

On April 7th, Google launched a new version of Gmail for mobile for iPhone and Android-powered devices. We shared the behind-the-scenes story through this blog and decided to share more of what we've learned in a brief series of follow-up blog posts. This week, I'll talk about how modularization can be used to greatly reduce the startup latency of a web app.

To a user, the startup latency of an HTML 5 based application is critical. It is their first impression of the application's performance. If it's really slow, they might not even bother to wait for the app to load before navigating away. Even if your application is blazing fast after it loads, the user may never get the chance to experience it.

There are several aspects of an HTML 5 based application that contribute to startup latency:
  1. Network time to fetch the application (JavaScript + HTML)
  2. JavaScript parse time
  3. Code execution time to fetch the data and render the home page of your application
The third issue is up to you! The first two issues, however, are directly correlated with the size of the application. This is a tricky problem since as your application matures, it will have more features and the code size will get bigger. So, what to do? Modularize your application! Split up your code into independent, standalone modules. Consider splitting each view/screen of your application and implement each new feature as its own module. This is only half the story. Now that you have your code modularized, you need to decide which subset of these modules are critical to load your application's home page. All the non-core modules should be downloaded and parsed at a later time. With a consistent code size for your startup code, you can maintain a consistent startup time. Now, let's go into some nitty gritty details of how we built an application with lazy-loaded modules.

How to Split Your Code into Modules

Splitting an application into individual modules might not be as simple as you think. Code that serves a common purpose/functionality should be grouped together and form a module (comparable to a library). As mentioned earlier, we selected which modules are critical to the home page of the app and which modules can be lazy-loaded at a later time. Let's use a Weather application as an example:

High Level Functionality:
  • A "Weather in my Favourite Cities" home page
  • Click on a city to view the cities entire week forecast
  • Weather data comes from an external web service
Possible Module Separation:
  • Weather data model
  • Weather web service API
  • Common UI widgets (buttons, toolbars, navigation, etc)
  • Favourite Cities page
  • City Weather Forecast page
Now let's say your users want a "breaking news" feature. No problem: just put the page, the news data API and the data model into a new module.

One thing to keep in mind is the dependency order of your modules. For modules that have many downstream dependencies, it might make sense to include them as part of the core modules.

How to Lazy Load the Modules

Option 1: Script as DOM

This method uses JavaScript to insert SCRIPT tags into the HEAD's DOM.
<script type="text/JavaScript">
  function loadFile(url) {
    var script = document.createElement('SCRIPT');
    script.src = url;
Option 2: XmlHttpRequest (XHR)

This method sets up XmlHttpRequests to retrieve the JavaScript . The returned string should be evaluated in the XHR callbacks (using the eval(string) method). This method is a little more complicated but it gives you more control over error handling.
<script type="text/JavaScript">
  function loadFile(url) {
     function callback() {
      if (req.readyState == 4) { // 4 = Loaded
        if (req.status == 200) {
        } else {
          // Error
    var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
    req.onreadystatechange = callback;"GET", url, true);
The next question is, when to lazy load the modules? One strategy is to lazy load the modules in the background once the home page has been loaded. This approach has some drawbacks. First, JavaScript execution in the browser is single threaded. So while you are loading the modules in the background, the rest of your app becomes non-responsive to user actions while the modules load. Second, it's very difficult to decide when, and in what order, to load the modules. What if a user tries to access a feature/page you have yet to lazy load in the background? A better strategy is to associate the loading of a module with a user's action. Typically, user actions are associated with an invocation of an asynchronous function (for example, an onclick handler). This is the perfect time for you to lazy load the module since the code will have to be fetched over the network. If mobile networks are slow, you can adopt a strategy where you prefetch the code of the modules in advance and keep them stored in the javascript heap. Only then parse and load the corresponding module on user action. One word of caution is that you should make sure your prefetching strategy doesn't impact the user's experience - for example, don't prefetch all the modules while you are fetching user data. Remember, dividing up the latency has far better for users than bunching it all together during startup.

For an HTML 5 application that takes advantage of the application cache to reduce startup latency and to serve the application offline, there are a few caveats one should be aware of. Mobile networks have decent bandwidth, but poor round trip latency, so listing each module as a separate resource in the manifest incurs quite a bit of extra startup latency when the application cache is empty. Also, if one of the module resources fails to be downloaded by the application cache (e.g. disconnected from network), additional error handling code needs to be written to handle such a case. Finally, applications today have no control when the application cache decides to download the resources in the manifest (such a feature is not defined in the current specification of the draft standard). Typically, resources are downloaded once the main page is loaded, but that's not an ideal time since that's when the application requests user data.

To work-around these caveats, we found a trick that allows you to bundle all of your modules into a single resource without having to parse any of the JavaScript. Of course, with this strategy, there is greater latency with the initial download of the single resource (since it has all your JavaScript modules), but once the resource is stored in the browser's application cache, this issue becomes much less of a factor.

To combine all modules into a single resource, we wrote each module into a separate script tag and hid the code inside a comment block (/* */). When the resource first loads, none of the code is parsed since it is commented out. To load a module, find the DOM element for the corresponding script tag, strip out the comment block, and eval() the code. If the web app supports XHTML, this trick is even more elegant as the modules can be hidden inside a CDATA tag instead of a script tag. An added bonus is the ability to lazy load your modules synchronously since there's no longer a need to fetch the modules asynchronously over the network.

On an iPhone 2.2 device, 200k of JavaScript held within a block comment adds 240ms during page load, whereas 200k of JavaScript that is parsed during page load added 2600 ms. That's more than a 10x reduction in startup latency by eliminating 200k of unneeded JavaScript during page load! Take a look at the code sample below to see how this is done.
<script id="lazy">
// Make sure you strip out (or replace) comment blocks in your JavaScript first.
JavaScript of lazy module

  function lazyLoad() {
    var lazyElement = document.getElementById('lazy');
    var lazyElementBody = lazyElement.innerHTML;
    var jsCode = stripOutCommentBlock(lazyElementBody);

<div onclick=lazyLoad()> Lazy Load </div>
In the future, we hope that the HTML5 standard will allow more control over when the application cache should download resources in the manifest, since using comments to pass along code is not elegant but worked nicely for us. In addition, the snippets of code are not meant to be a reference implementation and one should consider many additional optimizations such as stripping white space and compiling the JavaScript to make its parsing and execution faster. To learn more about web performance, get tips and tricks to improve the speed of your web applications and to download tools, please visit

Previous posts from Gmail for Mobile HTML5 Series

HTML5 and Webkit pave the way for mobile web applications
Using AppCache to launch offline - Part 1
Using AppCache to launch offline - Part 2
Using AppCache to launch offline - Part 3
A Common API for Web Storage
Suggestions for better performance
Cache pattern for offline HTML5 web application

Wednesday, 2 September 2009
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Heavy Duty: What Project Hosting Users are Doing

In July, the Project Hosting team announced the People sub-tab where project members can easily document their duties within their projects.

Here are the top ten most frequently selected project duties:
  1. Lead by providing a project vision and roadmap
  2. Design new features, write code and unit tests
  3. Design core libraries, write code and unit tests
  4. Have fun hacking and learn new stuff!
  5. Test the system before each release
  6. Review code changes and provide constructive feedback
  7. Plan the scope of release milestones and track progress
  8. Lead the UI design and incorporate feedback
  9. Write end-user documentation and examples
  10. Triage new issues and support requests from end-users

Those frequent duties are a testament to the serious and thoughtful software development processes often found in open source development. But, open source is not all hard work: our users also decided that it was important to document some of their more colorful duties.  Those ranged from general, "Be awesome," to vicarious, "Watch nervously as students write code," to self-effacing, "Create elaborate unit tests for small corners of the library, write hilariously malformed XML comments, and mercilessly break the build," to simply practical leadership, "Buy the pizza for everyone else."

Don't skip your duty to write your own! Just click the People sub-tab and start to document what you and your project team are supposed to be doing.