Tuesday, 11 May 2010
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Announcing Google Moderator’s API, powering a Wave Extension and Android App

Google Moderator is used extensively within Google for meetings and to collect feedback from Googlers on events or happenings within the company. It is also used at conferences and other events to organize and draw upon the collective wisdom of the participants.

Many users have asked us for a formal API, and today, we’re excited to announce the Google Moderator API. You can use the API to access, update, and participate in Google Moderator from custom interfaces.

Here's a quick look at what you can do with Google Moderator’s API:
  • Create: You can create new series, topics, submissions, or votes on behalf of the currently authenticated user.

  • Vote: You can allow authenticated users to vote on submissions, or to review their own votes on submissions in a series.

  • Discover: You can retrieve topics in a series, or submissions in a particular topic or series. You can also track the current aggregate status of votes.
Here are some projects that are using the API today:

Rajiv Bammi whipped up a gadget for Google Wave that will be at Google I/O to allow attendees to ask questions:


Jim Blackler, a Google software engineer, spent some of his 20% time to build Google Moderator for Android, an open source project.

When Moderator was used by the White House, we used the Maps API to plot on a map where submissions were coming from:

We’re curious to see what you build, and we’re eager to get your feedback on new features. To get started, check out the documentation and join our Google Group!

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