Wednesday, 28 March 2012
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Moving the Google+ Hangouts API out of preview

By Amit Fulay, Product Manager, Google+ Hangouts

Cross-posted from the Google+ Developers Blog

One of the most important ways we connect with others is in person. That's why we're so excited about Google+ Hangouts, and why we launched a preview of the Hangouts API a few months ago. Today we're moving this API out of preview, and enabling developers to launch and share their hangout apps with the entire Google+ community!

Hangout apps are regular web apps, running in a big window inside the Hangout UI. In addition to using shared-state APIs to give users real-time interactivity, you also have access to built-in Hangout features, such as:
  • Initiate a group video chat with up to 10 people 
  • Control hangout microphones, cameras, speakers and volume levels 
  • Add sound effects and attach image overlays to faces 
  • Set UI elements such as the video feed, chat pane, and notifications
It’s easy to get started: read the documentation, build and publish your app, and then let users know. You can easily get the word out in one of two ways: 1) post a link to it on Google+, and/or 2) add the new hangout button to your website. In either case, anyone who clicks will start a new hangout with your app running inside. It then appears in the “Recent” apps pane for future hangouts.

To get the ball rolling, we're introducing a new "Apps" pane in Google+ Hangouts, as well as some featured applications, including Aces HangoutCacoo, Scoot & Doodle, Slideshare, Clubhouse Challenge by Bravo, and Google Effects. We’re looking forward to seeing what you can dream up in the weeks and months ahead.

Follow the conversation on Google+, and happy building!

Amit Fulay is Product Manager for Google+ Hangouts.

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor

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