Wednesday, 31 October 2012
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GDL Presents: Women Techmakers

Author PhotoBy Amanda Surya, Manager of YouTube and Commerce Developer Relations

When we launched Google Developers Live back in June, our goal was to give you 24/7/365 access to inspiration and training on our developer tools and platforms, extending the unmatched enthusiasm we see every year at Google I/O. We expanded the scope of our programming with GDL Presents: focused, week-long series with varied perspectives from developers on how they're successfully tackling technical and business challenges.

Our series for next week, GDL Presents: Women Techmakers bring you conversations with women tech leaders, activists and creators from diverse backgrounds.

Women Techmakers
will start as a five-episode series airing November 5th-9th daily at 2:30 PM PST (22:30 UTC), highlighting women in the technical space who are fearlessly innovating, honing technical expertise, and testing the boundaries of technology. Join us live in the studio as we chat with the following prominent female tech entrepreneurs:

Full episode schedule
Monday, 11/5 at 2:30 PM PST | 22:30 UTC [Add to calendar]
Hosts: Megan Smith - Vice President, Google [x] | Betsy Masiello - Policy Manager
Guest: Leslie Bradshaw - President, COO and Co-founder, JESS3
Join Leslie, COO and Co-founder of JESS3, in conversation with Megan Smith and Betsy Masiello, as they discuss Leslie’s experience growing a design business from two employees to a transnational operation.

Tuesday, 11/6 at 2:30 PM PST | 22:30 UTC [Add to calendar]
Hosts: Jean Wang - Lead Hardware Engineer for Project Glass
     Vivian Cromwell - Manager, Global Chrome Developer Relations
Guest: Mary Lou Jepsen - CEO and Founder, Pixel Qi
Drawing on Mary Lou’s experience leading the engineering and architectural design of the $100 laptops that inspired the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) organization, hosts Jean Wang and Vivian Cromwell sit down with the 2011 Anita Borg “Woman of Vision” Award for Innovation winner to discuss overcoming technical challenges in hardware.

Wednesday, 11/7 at 2:30 PM PST | 22:30 UTC [Add to calendar]
Hosts: Mary Grove - Head of Global Entrepreneurial Outreach
Stephanie Liu - Senior Program Manager, Developer Relations
Guests: Stephanie Palmeri - Principal with SoftTech VC
Angela Benton - Founder & CEO NewME Accelerator
Stephanie Palmeri of SoftTech VC and Angela Benton of NewMe Accelerator join Mary Grove and Stephanie Liu in the GDL studio to discuss their experiences with diversity in the startups/investment space.

Thursday, 11/8 at 2:30 PM PST | 22:30 UTC [Add to calendar]
Hosts: Claire Hughes Johnson - Vice President, Google Offers
Jessie Jiang - Product Management Lead, Google Cloud Platform
Guest: Diane Greene - Board of Directors, Google
Vice President of Google Offers Claire Hughes Johnson co-hosts with Cloud Platform PM Lead Jessie Jiang in Episode 4 of WTM. They will be exploring former VMWare CEO and current Google board member Diane Greene’s high-level thoughts on cloud computing and the role of women in the tech space.

Bitly and Pixability (Double Feature)

Friday, 11/9 at 2:30 PM PST (Part I) | 22:30 UTC
Hosts: Gretchen Howard - Director of Global Social Solutions
Amanda Surya - Manager, Developer Relations
[Part I] Guest: Bettina Hein - Founder and CEO, Pixability [Add to calendar]
Gretchen Howard and Amanda Surya speak with Pixability Founder & CEO Bettina Hein about her experience building successful technology businesses worldwide, and her commitment to activating women involvement in the tech space.

Friday, 11/9 at 3:15 PM PST (Part II) | 23:15 UTC
Hosts: April Anderson - Industry Director, Retail Sales at Google
Kathryn Hurley - Developer Programs Engineer, Google Compute Engine
[Part II] Guest: Hilary Mason - Chief Scientist, Bitly [Add to calendar]
April Anderson and Kathryn Hurley chat with Bitly Chief Scientist Hilary Mason about the role data plays in making business decisions, the intersection of government, policy, and technology, and her experience in the New York tech community.

You can view these episodes on Google Developers Live, the Google Developers YouTube channel, and on +Google Developers. RSVP to next week’s events by following +Google Developers Live, and add +Google Developers to your circles to submit questions and thoughts. Follow and contribute to the conversation using #WTM.

Amanda Surya is Manager of the YouTube and Commerce Developer Relations team at Google. In her spare time, she likes to blog about time-saving tips and of course watch YouTube videos.

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor

Friday, 26 October 2012
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Query or show a specific post in wordpress

If you are looking for php code or a plugin for your WordPress that takes a post ID and returns the database record for that post then read on. This is very helpful when you want to show a specific post on your homepage or other pages to get more attention. It allows you to design your homepage or a page with the post(s) that you want to be shown on the page rather than the 10 recent posts that the WordPress automatically chooses for you.

PHP Code Example to Query a WordPress Post

Example 1

The following code will Query the post with post id 26 and Show the title and the content.

$post_id = 26;
$queried_post = get_post($post_id);
$title = $queried_post->post_title;
echo $title;
echo $queried_post->post_content;

Example 2

The following style could be more useful as it lets the user customise the font easily.

$post_id = 26;
$queried_post = get_post($post_id);
<h2><?php echo $queried_post->post_title; ?></h2>
<?php echo $queried_post->post_content; ?>

Example 3

Using an Array… The following code will query every post number in ‘thePostIdArray’ and show the title of those posts.

<?php $thePostIdArray = array("28","74", "82", "92"); ?>
<?php $limit = 4 ?>
<?php if (have_posts()) : ?>
<?php while (have_posts()) : the_post(); $counter++; ?>
<?php if ( $counter < $limit + 1 ): ?>
<div id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>">
<?php $post_id = $thePostIdArray[$counter-1]; ?>
<?php $queried_post = get_post($post_id); ?>
<h2><?php echo $queried_post->post_title; ?></h2>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endwhile; ?>
<?php endif; ?>

How to Display the Post Content Like WordPress

When you retrieve the post content from the database you get the unfiltered content. If you want to achieve the same output like WordPress does in its’ posts or pages then you need to apply filter to the content. You can use the following code:

$post_id = 26;
$queried_post = get_post($post_id);
$content = $queried_post->post_content;
$content = apply_filters('the_content', $content);
$content = str_replace(']]>', ']]&gt;', $content);
echo $content;

For a range of all the returned fields that you can use, check the WordPress site here.

Query X Number of Recent Posts

You can use the “wp_get_recent_posts” function to retrieve X number of recent posts and then display them however you want to. Here is an example:
//Query 5 recent published post in descending order
$args = array( 'numberposts' => '5', 'order' => 'DESC','post_status' => 'publish' );
$recent_posts = wp_get_recent_posts( $args );
//Now lets do something with these posts
foreach( $recent_posts as $recent )
echo 'Post ID: '.$recent["ID"];
echo 'Post URL: '.get_permalink($recent["ID"]);
echo 'Post Title: '.$recent["post_title"];
//Do whatever else you please with this WordPress post

Tuesday, 23 October 2012
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GDG DevFest season isn’t slowing down

Author PictureBy Phoebe Peronto, Developer Marketing

If the past three months have been any indication of the power of the global Google Developer community, then we have a lot to look forward to with the remainder of the DevFest season. From local experts in Google technologies hosting track sessions, to attendees creating usable and innovative apps in event hackathons, the Google Developer ecosystem is energized by big community momentum. The season continues this month through November end, so stay tuned for upcoming events and ways to get involved in your local chapter. See below for the latest from the most recent #gdg #devfest events around the world--we can assure you you’re in for a wonderful treat.

DevFest Berlin | Host: GDG Berlin
October 13, 2012, c-base
GDG Berlin captured DevFest Berlin sessions on video that are now available to the public. With sessions and a full agenda, DevFest Berlin also hosted a hackathon that yielded innovative projects built with Google tools and technologies. DevFest attendee Mister Schtief wrote of the hacked Chirp app: “It works!!! Transferring data with sound between two mobile phones with chirp app #devfest +DevFest Berlin.”

DevFest Amman | Host: GDG Amman
October 13, 2012, Talal Abu Ghazaleh Knowledge Center

DevFest Dhaka | Host: GDG Dhaka
October 14, 2012, United International University
DevFest Dhaka captured event highlights in a Google+ photo gallery


DevFest OAU | Host: GDG OAU
October 18, 2012, Obafemi Awolowo University

DevFest Chlef | Host: GDG Chlef
GDG Chlef thought outside the box when crafting their event announcement, bringing visibility to their developer event with a video showcasing cross-platform technologies featured in the weekend’s sessions.

DevFest Firenze | Host: GDG Firenze
October 19-20, 2012, Firenze, Italia Piazza Annigoni 9/B

DevFest Zurich | Host: GDG Zurich
October 19, 2012, Zurich Youth Hostel
Sessions, speakers, and a successful hackathon encapsulated the DevFest Zurich experience. Take a peek at the hackathon project ideas here. Of the event, attendee Andreas Müller posted on Google+: “Enjoyed this weekend from the beginning to the end. Many thanks to the orga team, well done!” 

DevFest West | Hosts: GDG Silicon Valley, GDG San Francisco, GDG Fresno, GDG Alameda
October 20, 2012, Mountain View, CA (Google Bldg 1900)
DevFest West took place this weekend in Google’s own backyard. The event featured 11 tech talk sessions (9 Google speakers), a 30-minute shopping spree in the Google store, an all-night hackathon, 3 code labs, and 2 food trucks. It was a collaboration between 4 local GDGs (Silicon Valley, San Francisco, Fresno, and Alameda).  With some fortune-telling, big smiles, and memes, the event was clearly a success!

DevFest Sicilia | Host: GDG Nebrodi
October 20, 2012
GDG Nebrodi took the registration and event experience to the next level for its attendees by providing a localized app directly downloadable from Google Play. The app features an agenda, calendar of events, session titles, and more.

DevFest Thiès | Host: GDG Thiès
October 20, 2012, CRE THIES
GDG Thiès documented event highlights in a shareable photo gallery on their Google+ page

DevFest Jkuat | Host: GDG Jkuat
October 20, 2012
View the full event gallery here

DevFest Goma | Host: GDG Goma
October 20, 2012, l'Institut Supérieur d'informatique et de Gestion (ISIG) de Goma

DevFest Cochabamba | Host: GDG Cochabamba
October 20, 2012, ULRA/UMSS

What’s up next?
La Paz, Bolivia | October 24, 2012
Bangkok, Thailand | October 26, 2012
Valley View University, Ghana | October 26, 2012
Lima, Peru | October 27, 2012
Ouaga, Burkina Faso | 10/27/2012
Chennai, India | October 27, 2012
Chandigarh, India |October 27, 2012
Brunei, Brunei | October 29, 2012

Want to learn more?  Find your nearest GDG chapter, get involved in local events, and join the conversation about all things Google Developer at

Phoebe Peronto is an Associate Product Marketing Manager on the Developer Marketing team here at Google. She’s a foodie who has a penchant for traveling, politics, and running. Oh, and of course...Go Cal Bears!

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor

Friday, 19 October 2012
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Fridaygram: data centers, extinction period, Shuttle streets

Author Photo
By Scott Knaster, Google Developers Blog Editor

We have never said much about our data centers, but this week that changed in a very cool way. We launched a new site that takes you inside our data centers, with lots of great photos, a walkthrough courtesy of Street View, plus a WIRED story by Steven Levy about how our data centers have changed since the earliest days of Google.

Secret tip: there might be Easter eggs in the Street View tour.

Looking back a bit, about 250 million years ago, scientists have now figured out why there were no new species for 5 million years in the Early Triassic period. It turns out to be a simple answer: the weather was really hot. A study found that the average land temperature near the equator was 50 to 60°C, which was enough to keep new species from developing.

Returning to the present, this past week saw the final journey of the Space Shuttle Endeavour to its new museum home. This event provided some incredible juxtapositions as the spacecraft rolled down Los Angeles city streets past homes, restaurants, and onlookers. It was definitely not typical L.A. traffic.

The tagline of Google Developers Blog up there at the top is “News and insights on Google platforms, tools, and events”. This is somewhat less true on Friday, when we publish Fridaygram, a post containing stuff that’s simply interesting and nerdy.

Wednesday, 17 October 2012
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A better developer experience for Native Client

Author PhotoBy Christian Stefansen, Native Client Team

Native Client (NaCl) enables you to write high-performance apps that run your C and C++ code in the browser. With the new Native Client add-in for Microsoft Visual Studio and the new Native Client debugger it just got a lot easier.

The Visual Studio add-in makes it easy to set up, build, run, and debug your app as a Pepper plug-in and as a Native Client module. If you are porting an existing application to Native Client, building as a Pepper plug-in is a convenient intermediate stage for development enabling you to gradually rewrite the app to use the Pepper APIs (video).

The Native Client debugger, affectionately called nacl-gdb, works on Windows, Mac, and Linux and is now available in the SDK. So whatever your development platform, you can now spend more time coding features and less time chasing bugs with printf.

Following the Native Client philosophy of being OS-independent and open source, nacl-gdb is based on... well... gdb! For those of you who are not excited by a text interface, the Visual Studio add-in makes interacting with the debugger easier. If you use a different development environment that can interact with gdb, you can point it to nacl-gdb and use the same commands plus some additional NaCl-specific commands.

Whether you’re an existing Native Client developer or thinking about using Native Client for your next project, now is a great time to grab the SDK, write an amazing app, and quickly squash any bugs you find. We look forward to questions on Stack Overflow and ideas and comments in the discussion forum.

Christian Stefansen is the Product Manager for Native Client and Pepper (PPAPI). When he is not busy planning new features for Native Client, he likes traveling and writing. He is currently writing a book about India.

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor

Tuesday, 16 October 2012
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Celebrating Dart’s birthday with the first release of the Dart SDK

Author PhotoBy Lars Bak, Software Engineer

A year ago we released a technology preview of Dart, a project that includes a modern language, libraries and tools for building complex web applications. Today, after plowing through thousands of bug reports and feature requests from the web community, a new, more stable and comprehensive version of Dart is now available and ready to use.

With this version of the Dart SDK, we’ve made several improvements and added many features:
Over the following months, we will continue to work hard to evolve the SDK, improve Dart’s robustness and performance, and fine-tune the language while maintaining backwards compatibility.

Dart birthday logo

You can download the Dart Editor from It comes with a copy of the open-source SDK and Dartium. Thanks again for all your feedback – keep it coming.

Lars Bak is a veteran virtual machinist, leaving marks on several software systems: Beta, Self, Strongtalk, Sun's HotSpot and CLDC HI, OOVM Smalltalk, and V8.

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor

Saturday, 13 October 2012
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Add / Import .SQL file To MySQL Database Server

How do I import a MySQL .SQL text file to MySQL database sever using command line or gui tools?

You can import a MySQL script (or .sql) file into MySQL server using
  1. Unix / Linux shell prompt.

  2. phpMyAdmin web based gui tool.

Unix / Linux shell prompt example

Copy a .sql file to a remote server using sftp or scp client:
$ scp foo.sql
Login into a remote server using ssh client:
$ ssh
Type the following command to import a .sql file:

In this example, import a 'foo.sql' file into 'bar' database using vivek as username:
mysql -u vivek -p -h localhost bar < foo.sql


Login to phpMyAdmin. Open a web-browser and type phpMyAdmin url:
In phpMyAdmin, choose the database you intend to work with from the database menu list (located on the left side).phpMyAdmin Database Selection
 phpMyAdmin Database Selection

Choose the IMPORT tab > Click on Browse your computer "Choose file" > Select file > Choose Ok > Choose Go
 phpMyAdmin Importing .SQL File

-By Parthiv Patel

Friday, 12 October 2012
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Fridaygram: history online, diamond planet, tooth decay

Author Photo
By Scott Knaster, Google Developers Blog Editor

We’ve posted before on Fridaygram about the Google Cultural Institute, which helps get historical material out of boxes and museums and onto the web for everyone to see. This week, the Institute added some really cool new exhibitions online that take you inside major historical events, such as color photos and personal memories of D-Day, the story of anti-Apartheid activist Steve Biko, and the 1953 Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II. These exhibitions features amazing photos, videos, and documents, and make great use of the web.

The planet 55 Cancri e is not receiving explorers or tourists at this time (as far as we know), but that might change once word gets out that some of the planet is made of diamond. 55 Cancri e orbits very closely around its star, completing a full circuit in just 18 hours. This close orbit raises the surface temperature to a balmy 2,100 degrees Celsius, so maybe hold off on those diamond-mining travel plans after all.

Finally, here’s a story to convince you that your dad and your mummy were right: brush and floss your teeth!

After a long week of writing code, and before a long weekend of writing code, take a pause to enjoy Fridaygram, which generally has nothing to do with writing code. And as a bonus for those who have read this far, here’s a tip on how to win a Nobel Prize: eat chocolate (and then brush).

Wednesday, 10 October 2012
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GDG DevFests harness the power of community

Author PictureBy Phoebe Peronto, Developer Marketing

The global reach of GDG DevFest season continues in this third update. The season kicked off with DevFest Manila in early August, and since then, the community has organized 30 events all over the world. We’re only part way through the season, with many great events still to come. Powered by local Google Developer Groups, this past weekend saw 9 more events. From real-time updates directly from event attendees, to app demos, to memorable moments, here are the latest updates in DevFest-ing:

DevFest Santa Fe | Host: GDG Santa Fe
“Muy bueno el evento! Me gustaría que estas actividades se realicen más seguido, ya que generan relaciones profesionales y académicas muy fructíferas. Saludos!” -- Andrés Testi, DevFest Santa Fe attendee

“Gran evento +Matias Molinas y +Santa Fe GTUG. Felicitaciones por compartir el talento con toda la comunidad de desarrolladores!" -- Nicolas Bortolotti, DevFest Santa Fe attendee

DevFest Ninja | Host: GDG Buenos Aires
Catch up on all things DevFest Ninja with real-time updates from attendees on the GDG Buenos Aires group site.

DevFest Kuala Lumpur | Host: GDG Kuala Lumpur
GDG Kuala Lumpur utilized Google+ in the planning of their event, encouraging attendees to add speakers to their circles to get the most up-to-date information throughout the day (list of speakers).

DevFest Mumbai | Host: GDG Mumbai
It was a full house at GDG DevFest Mumbai--check out the full photo gallery on Google+.

DevFest Pune | Host: GDG Pune
Photos from the event are all viewable here, including sessions, speakers, and registration.

DevFest Bandung (BDG) | Host: GDG Bandung
“Thanks to everyone for attending and for being part of our first-ever GDG DevFest held in Bandung [...]  The event was attended by around 140 people from different backgrounds, including experienced developers, designers, students, lecturers, and newbie programmers.” -- GDG BDG [read full recap here]

DevFest Kathmandu | Host: GDG Kathmandu
“On October 6th 2012, GDG Kathmandu organized one of the best events since its March 2011 founding. Within the first 3 days of announcing the event, we already had 200 committed participants.  A session conducted as a Hangout On Air by Android Developer Advocate Anirudh Dewani was an entirely new experience for Google Developers here in Kathmandu. It was a grand experience of GDG Kathmandu and DevFest Kathmandu was huge success.” -- GDG Kathmandu

DevFest Mbale | Host: GDG Mbale
“GDG DevFest Mbale was the first Devfest to be held in Uganda and the biggest event with technical content held in Mbale with 120 total attendees. The code lab, conducted by James Muranga from GDG Kampala, was the most memorable moment for participants. He introduced Google App Engine, and followed with a code lab that saw attendees getting up to speed developing web apps that run on Google’s platforms. James also demoed an app, Mafuta Go, that he and a team of 4 developed working out from OutBox Hub. It was very inspiring to developers and students alike to see an idea like James’ team’s materialize.” -- Nsubuga Hassan, GDG DevFest Organizer

DevFest Yarmouk University | Host: GDG Yarmouk University

“Best Event Ever”

What’s up next?
Berlin | October 13
Chlef | October 15
UPDATE: Brazza | moved to November 10
Firenze | October, 19
Zurich | October 20
UPDATE: DevFest West (Mountain View) | October 20
Nebrodi | October 20
Thiès | October 20 [tentative]

DevFest isn’t close to over – we’re still going strong! Events are being held all over the world until November 11, and getting involved is a simple 3-step process: find your nearest GDG, attend an event, and join the community. Visit for specific event details and session updates.

Phoebe Peronto is an Associate Product Marketing Manager on the Developer Marketing team here at Google. She’s a foodie who has a penchant for traveling, politics, and running. Oh, and of course...Go Cal Bears!

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor