Wednesday, 20 December 2006
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Open Source Developers @ Google Speaker Series: Leslie Hawthorn

Alright, so technically I am not a developer - I'm a geek herder. However, I will be moderating a panel discussion between developers this Thursday evening!

Joining us for the December 2006 installment of the Open Source Developers @ Google Speaker Series will be three former Google Summer of Code students: Angela Byron (Drupal developer, student in 2005 and program administrator for 2006), and Hannes Papenberg and Laurens Vandeput (both developers for Joomla!). Angie, Hannes and Laurens will share with us some insights into their respective projects and communities, as well as telling us a bit about GSoC from the student perspective. Please feel free to join us Thursday, December 21st at our Corporate Headquarters in Mountain View, CA at 5:00 PM. Doors open at 4:30 PM, and refreshments (including plenty of coffee :) will be served; please plan to sign in at Building 41 reception when you arrive. We hope to see you there!

For those unable to attend the November 2006 session, you can watch Guido van Rossum's talk, "Mondrian: Code Review on the Web," on Google Video. This Thursday's session will also be taped and made available on Google Video, as will all OSS Devs @ Google meetings.

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