Wednesday, 10 January 2007
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Getting organized for 2007

Post by Peter Deng, Developer Team

It wasn't exactly our New Year's resolution, but we've done it anyway: reorganized parts of the Google Code site to make it easier to navigate. The AJAX Search API homepage has a new look and feel; check out the new example pages. If you're not yet an expert on the API, start with our code samples to learn more, or use our wizards to add AJAX search to your page without writing any code.

The Google Data API pages also got a facelift. In addition to new documentation for the Blogger, Calendar, Code Search and Spreadsheets data APIs, we've added example projects for each product. Let us know what you've built, and we may just feature your project.

We hope you will find this new organization helpful. Looking forward to seeing some great apps in 2007!

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