Monday, 12 February 2007
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Drupal and GSoC: The students that keep on committing

Robert Douglass, Drupal's organization administrator for Google Summer of Code 2005 and 2006, recently sent an update on the progress of Drupal's students. He writes:

I was surprised at how active Drupal's SoC student contributors are! It is notable that 12 SoC students (four from 2005, eight from 2006) have checked in new code in the last three months. So out of 25 students who we have mentored, 12 are still very active as code contributors. This doesn't include contributions in the form of patches, forum posts or activity on IRC or the development list.

Robert has also posted a table of recent CVS commits by Drupal's GSoCers.

Congratulations to the whole Drupal community on your amazing success keeping your students active and committing long after the "Summers" have ended.

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