Friday, 15 June 2007
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Weekly Google Code Roundup for June 11-15th

In API and developer-product news...

I will start by going meta. Linking to a roundup from a roundup makes your head spin, but we have two good ones:

Google Web Toolkit Video from Developer Day and Some Great Technical Blog Posts is a roundup itself of news in and around Google Web Toolkit.

The Community Response to Gears has been fantastic, so we tried to put together the various API abstractions, libraries, and applications that have already been built on Gears.

Using Multiple Pages in your Mashup shows you how building a mashup with the Google Mashup Editor isn't about one page maps. Paul shows you how you can create rich applications that span multiple pages.

We have a lot of great new articles and tutorials, such as:

Around Google

Blogger in Draft is a site for those on the bleeding edge with Blogger. Take a look at the current sneak ahead preview of Blogger.Next.

Aidan Chopra shows how you can create animated models for Google Earth. Watch the London Eye rotate as you see the people getting married at the top....

Featured Projects

Breakpad is an open-source multi-platform crash reporting system (Mac OS X, Linux, Windows).

Veloroutes is the perfect Maps API mashup for cycle enthusiasts. It has a lot of nice features including elevation information.

Google Tech Talks

Navigating the World's Photographs

This talk explores ways of transforming this massive, unorganized photo collection into visualizations of the world's sites, cities, and landscapes.

Introduction to MacLibre and OpenTouch

This presentation will cover an introduction to MacLibre & OpenTouch, both Google Summer of Code projects. The presentation will explore MacLibre as a new way of open source software distribution on Mac OS X, as well as OpenTouch as an open source framework for multimodal input devices.

View more tech talks.


The Joomla! Project

The entire Joomla! core team visited Google a few weeks ago, and Leslie Hawthorn got the chance to catch up with them about all things Summer of Code.

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