Thursday, 12 June 2008
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Registration Open for "Powered By YouTube"

The YouTube APIs team had so much fun at Google I/O that we thought it was about time to have our own event at our office in San Bruno. (Check out the announcement on the YouTube API Blog for a video of the office.) This will be all YouTube APIs, all the time! The agenda is still being finalized, but we'll have "bigger picture" sessions as well as nitty gritty hacking time to get started and learn best practices. You'll have time to mingle with a diverse set of developers from different companies and the YouTube engineers and product managers.

If you're interested, here are all the details:

Thursday, July 10, 2008
10:30am - 5:00pm (tentative)
YouTube HQ @ 901 Cherry Ave. San Bruno, CA 94066
Cost: Free

Please reserve your spot and register early at Powered By YouTube.

Already have questions, comments, or session suggestions? Let us know in the forum. Hope to see you here next month!

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