Thursday, 9 October 2008
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Gadgets and Google Code

Gadgets and Google Code have always had a special relationship, as many developers use Google Code to host their gadgets. We are, therefore, happy to announce that you can now add gadgets to any wiki page (including the project homepage) on Google Code using the <wiki:gadget> syntax shown below.

<wiki:gadget url="" border="0">

To show you how powerful this is, we created a page of gadgets we found useful. See MarkMail's announcement and Ohloh's announcement for more details about their gadgets.

While gadgets are a great way to bring content to Google Code, they are also a great way to take a little piece of Google Code with you. Take the google-web-toolkit issue tracker as an example:

They enable you to create your own personal dashboard. In fact, this is how I track my various projects. To enable this, new Google Code project hosting gadgets are now available for each project on Google Code. They can be discovered under the feeds link in the project homepage.

Let us know what you think! We'd love to hear your ideas on how to make the Gadgets integration on Google Code even better!

As always, we look forward to your feedback.

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