Thursday, 11 December 2008
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YouTube <3's Developers

There's been a small flurry of announcements lately about things the YouTube APIs team has done to make life easier for our developers, and we wanted to make sure you heard about them!

Backwards compatibility guidelines
Since we just launched V2 of the API, we also published some guidelines and best practices to help ensure that breaking changes aren't introduced into your app with new versions. Read more in our "Mandate For Change" post.

Test your apps against new builds
A week before new builds are pushed to production, they'll go up on Subscribe to our announcement forum to get notified about new builds, and do regression testing by pointing your app at Read more in our "All the World's a Stage" post.

Interactive query generator
We released a helpful tool to play with API requests in the browser so you can get a feel for the mechanics. Because we show you the raw request and responses, it's also an easy way to do some quick testing and debugging. Read the full announcement in our "Try Before You Buy" post.

YouTube App Gallery
To help get you get some exposure and to help new developers get some inspiration, we launched the gallery. Browse, comment, and rate projects as well as submit your own. Read the full announcement here.

We hope this helps both new and old YouTube developers alike. Let us know how it's going in the discussion forum.

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